Tags for Sunny Vagnozzi's Blog of Cosmology Paper Reviews

Additional Information: One-Page Listing of Reviewed Papers

2-2-holes |  ACT |  AGN |  Academic funding |  Accretion flares |  Additional gravitational wave polarizations |  Age of the Universe |  Alternatives to inflation |  Ambulance chasing |  Anthropic principle |  Annual modulation |  Astrometry |  Asymmetric dark matter |  Asymmetric thin-shell wormholes |  Asymptotic safety |  Axion miniclusters |  Axion quark nuggets |  Axions | 

BBN |  BOSS |  Backgrounds |  Bad statistics |  Balloon experiments |  Barrow entropy |  Baryon Acoustic Oscillations |  Baryon energy density |  Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation |  Baryonic effects |  Bayesian statistics |  Binary black holes |  Black hole X-ray reflection spectroscopy |  Black hole echos |  Black hole mass gap |  Black hole shadows |  Black holes |  Book review |  Borexino |  Breakthrough Starshot | 

CMB lensing |  CMB polarization |  CMB temperature |  CMB |  CNO Neutrinos |  COVID |  Cambridge University Press |  Casimir force |  Chameleons |  Cobaya |  Cold Kuiper Belt |  Cold Spot |  Compensated isocurvature perturbations |  Compressed likelihoods |  Conference diary |  Conferences |  Core-cusp problem |  Cosmic birefringence |  Cosmic secular parallax |  Cosmic shear |  Cosmic strings |  Cosmic triangles |  Cosmological constant problem |  Cosmological units |  Cosmology |  Crackpots |  Cross-correlations |  Curvature | 

DAMA |  DECaLS |  DECODE |  DESI |  DES |  Dark energy direct detection |  Dark energy survey |  Dark energy-baryon scattering |  Dark energy |  Dark matter annihilation |  Dark matter decay |  Dark matter direct detection |  Dark matter indirect detection |  Dark matter spikes |  Dark matter-less galaxies |  Dark matter |  Dark photons |  Dark sirens |  Dark stars |  Data analysis |  Deuterium |  Dirac vs Majorana neutrinos |  Dispersion supported galaxies |  Distance ladder |  Distance measurements | 

EG |  Early Universe Thermodynamics |  Early dark energy |  eBOSS |  Effective field theory of large-scale structure |  Effective number of neutrinos |  El Gordo |  Electroweak symmetry restoration |  Electroweak vacuum instability |  Equivalence principle |  Etherington distance-duality relation |  Extra dimensions |  Extraterrestrial life | 

Fast radio bursts |  Fifth forces |  Finite action |  Finite-temperature QED effects |  Flavor physics |  Flavor anomalies |  Fuzzy dark matter | 

GAIA parallaxes |  GW190425 |  GW190814 |  Galactic center excess |  Galaxy assembly bias |  Galaxy bias |  Galaxy clustering |  Galaxy lensing |  Gamma-rays |  Gaussian processes |  General Relativity |  Geometry-growth split |  Ghosts |  Gravitational bremsstrahlung |  Gravitational constant |  Gravitational wave lensing |  Gravitational wave standard sirens |  Gravitational waves |  Growth-induced scale-dependent bias | 

H0LiCOW |  HMCODE |  HSC |  Halo model |  Heavy elements |  Heavy dark matter |  Higgs boson |  Higgs hierarchy problem |  Holographic dark energy |  Holography |  Horndeski gravity |  Hot Big Bang Theory |  Hubble constant |  Hubble tension | 

Inflation |  Interacting dark energy |  Interlopers |  Iran | 

Janis-Newman-Winicour spacetime |  Jupiter | 

KiDS |  LHCb |  LIGO |  Large Magellanic Cloud |  Large-scale structure |  Lensing anomaly |  Lensing is low |  Lensing reconstruction |  Lepton universality |  Limaçons |  Line intensity mapping |  Linear point |  Lyman-alpha forest | 

MOND |  Magnetic black holes |  Magnetic charge |  Marked correlation functions |  Mass-sheet degeneracy |  Massive neutrinos |  Merging Clusters |  Microlensing |  Millisecond pulsars |  Model-independence |  Modified gravity |  Multi-messenger cosmology | 

N-body simulations |  NANOGrav |  Naked singularities |  Naturalness |  Nature Astronomy |  Negative cosmological constant |  Neptune |  Neutrino cosmology |  Neutrino decoupling |  Neutrino mass constraints |  Neutrino mass hierarchy |  Neutrino mass models |  Neutrino oscillations |  Neutrino self-interactions |  Neutrinos |  Neutron star-black hole mergers |  Neutron stars |  Non-Gaussianity |  Non-linear matter power spectrum | 

Parallaxes |  Parity violation |  Phantom dark energy |  Phosphine |  Photon rings |  Planck |  Planck likelihood |  Planck polarization data |  Planet 9 |  Plasmons |  Poincaré gauge theories |  Pop III stars |  Popular science |  Post-Newtonian Expansion |  Primordial black hole evaporation |  Primordial black holes |  Primordial non-Gaussianity |  Primordial standard clocks |  Puddle thinking |  Pulsar timing arrays | 

Quadratic gravity |  Quantum fluctuations |  Quantum foam |  Quantum gravity |  Quasar accretion disks | 

Radial acceleration relation |  Radiation-dominated Universe |  Radio signals |  Redshift drift |  Regular black holes |  Reheating |  Religion |  Rogue planets | 

SPT |  Sandage-Loeb test |  Seesaw mechanism |  Self-interacting dark matter |  Semiconductors |  Sigma8 |  Skyquakes |  Small-scale structure issues |  Solar modelling problem |  Solar neutrinos |  Sound horizon |  Standard rulers |  Stochastic gravitational wave background |  String inflation |  String theory |  Strong energy condition |  Strong lensing time delays |  Supermassive black holes |  Supernovae |  Superradiance |  Suspiciousness statistic |  Swampland conjectures | 

Tehran Meeting on Cosmology at the Crossroads |  Tensions |  The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook |  Tip of the red giant branch |  Trans-Planckian censorship |  tSZ effect |  Tunneling wavefunction |  Type II Supernovae | 

UV galaxy luminosity function |  Ultra-diffuse galaxies |  Ultra-high energy cosmic rays |  Ultra-light axions |  Ultra-light bosons |  Ultra-light scalars |  Universal acceleration scale |  Unparticles | 

VLBI |  Vector-tensor gravity |  Venus |  Virtual conferences |  Voids | 

WIMP dark matter |  Wormholes | 


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